On Sat, 20 Dec 2008 18:45:24 +0100, Lars Ivar Igesund wrote:

> bearophile wrote:
>> Walter Bright:
>>> Excess isn't the problem, I want to see if import cycles is.
>> Generally all the modules in my dlibs import each other. This is nearly
>> unavoidable, if a module contains string functions, and another one
>> contains math stuff, the string module will want to use some math stuff
>> and the math module may need string representations and processing. In the
>> D specs I haven't seen an advice to not use cyclic imports, so I don't
>> want such compiler flag, I prefer a compiler able to manage such cyclic
>> imports efficiently.
> Cyclic imports is very often a sign of bad design, it typically mean
> (if it is unavoidable), that the modules shouldn't be separated in the
> first place. And in D it _is_ a bad idea because static initialization
> cannot depend on each other, that is cyclic imports of modules with
> static ctors.

Just thinking out aloud ...

If two modules import each other and this can be 'fixed' by instead having
both modules as a single module, what is stopping the compiler from just
pretending that they are a single module for compilation purposes?

This does assume that they are to be compiled at the same time rather than

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
skype: derek.j.parnell

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