Jason House escribió:
Ary Borenszweig wrote:

New features:
  - Compile-time view

This is a great feature that I've been looking forward to.
When playing around with this, I noticed a few things that seemed odd to me.  
They may be normal/expected if I understood the better how the front 
end/descent works.
1. derr.writefln("foo") is translated as 1("foo")

Hehehe, Jarret is right here!

I've fixed this so that in this case I'll use the original source code in the output view.

2. Actual template instances are not shown.

What do you mean?

I just tried:

class Foo(T) {

void lala() {
        Foo!(int) foo;

and it was shown like:

class Foo(T) {

void lala() {
        Foo foo;

(should be Foo!(int))

Is that what you mean?

3. I have a template (called factory) that takes a string argument.  The 
compile time view translates
   alias factory!("libego") gameDef;
   alias void gameDef;

Bug. :-)

I've fixed these in a new version,

Thanks for the feedback!

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