On Sat, Feb 28, 2009 at 11:05 AM, Yigal Chripun <yigal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree with the above but there is still a small issue here:
> A module is a single file and when you have several large classes that are
> tightly coupled you can get a very big file with thousands of lines. what if
> i want to put each class in its own file?
> besides, the notion of a module is somewhat redundant - it's functionally a
> static struct.
> this is related to D's compilation model which is copied from C/C++ and it
> seems to me that this model is outdated. C#'s model of assemblies and
> metadata seems more capable. for instance there's no need for header files,
> that info is stored in the metadata of the assembly.

Preciiiisely.  I've been toying with the concept of a compiler which
doesn't actually emit object files until it has to link its code into
some form of executable.  Instead it produces these sort of
platform-independent internal representation files, which can contain
all the metadata and symbol information needed.  They can be as small
as a single module or as large as an entire multi-level package.  It
sounds a lot like the model C# has adopted.

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