Bill Baxter Wrote:
> I was hoping you might get some comments on this.

Bad timing, together with Walter adding the backend sources :-)

> It seems to me a lot of people like the idea of XML files to configure
> a gui.  I'm not a big fan of XML, so hard for me to get excited on
> that score.  Also if I'm going to use a text-file gui description
> thing, I'm probably only going to use it because some GUI tool was
> able to spit it out for me automatically.  If I have to write the text
> file, I don't see how it's all that much of an improvement over just
> writing the GUI code to begin with.  Of course once you have the
> load/save of GUI layouts worked out, it's just a "simple" matter of
> making a GUI to create the layouts after that.

You are perfectly right here. The whole concept was done with
"glade" in mind. I like the idea of separating form and function.
For me personally, using xemacs in XML mode is already
"GUI enough"

> Other question I have is -- doesn't SWT already have something for
> creating GUI layouts?
Hmm, nothing that Frank so far commented about.


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