Walter Bright wrote:
Lars Ivar Igesund wrote:
Walter Bright wrote:

Now works for FreeBSD 7.1!


But is there a particularly good reason for disregarding version identifiers already established by gdc and ldc?

freebsd vs FreeBSD, darwin vs OSX

FreeBSD is how it is normally written in the official FreeBSD literature, such as :

If you follow what's normally written in the official literature and documentation shouldn't it be "MacOSX" then?

Also, gcc on FreeBSD predefines __FreeBSD__

Clearly, FreeBSD is the term preferred by the FreeBSD community.

The Mac OSX documentation does not refer to it as darwin, it normally refers to it as OSX. You have to work hard to find any references to darwin on the Apple web site. Nevertheless, "darwin" is predefined for legacy compatibility on the Mac dmd compiler.

It depends on what documentation you read.
In this documentation "Darwin" is all over the place.

I was concerned that people would see "darwin" support and wonder what that is. OSX is an order of magnitude better known and associated with Apple. Macs are not called "darwins". I suspect we'd get real tired of saying "yes, darwin really means OSX."

(As an aside, back in the 80's the ubiquitous and famous Wordstar program was produced by Micropro. Nobody could ever remember the company name. After many years of people assuming that Wordstar was made by Wordstar Inc. and fruitlessly trying to find Wordstar Inc., Micropro finally wised up and changed their name to Wordstar Inc.

Also, note that most bands put out their first CD as a self-titled one.)

And can't we just have all the version identifiers in lowercase.

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