On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 14:58:38 +0400, tama <repeate...@gmail.com> wrote:

bearophile wrote:
void foo(alias f)()
     writefln(f(3, 4));
foo!((x,y){ return x * y; })();

This code doesn't work(compile error).

To me the following works:

import std.stdio: writeln;
void foo(alias f)() {
     writeln(f(3, 4));
void main() {
    foo!((x,y){ return x * y; })();
I see.

I tested following code.

writefln(3 * 4);

This code doesn't work in the first place:-<
Sorry, it didn't matter.

writefln now expects a string as a first argument.
Use writeln() if you need no formattings, it is both faster and safer.

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