This post is mostly for Andrei.
I have played with D2 a bit; probably I'll need months to digest it and its new 
Phobos2. While I explore Phobos I'll probably post some comments/bugs around 

After reading this:
I have tried to write a toy implementation of it in D2 (not using Phobos2 yet):

import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.string: format;

struct Watts {
    int _x;
    int x() const { return this._x; }
    Joules opMul(Seconds s) {
        return Joules(this._x * s.x);
    string toString() { return format("Watts(%s)", this._x); }

struct Seconds {
    int _x;
    int x() const { return this._x; }
    Joules opMul(Watts w) {
        return Joules(this._x * w.x);
    string toString() { return format("Seconds(%s)", this._x); }

struct Joules {
    int _x;
    int x() const { return this._x; }
    string toString() { return format("Joules(%s)", this._x); }

auto map(alias f, TySeq1, TySeq2)(TySeq1 a1, TySeq2 a2) {
    assert(a1.length == a2.length);
    auto result = new typeof( f(a1[0], a2[0]) )[a1.length];
    for (int i; i < a1.length; i++)
        result[i] = f(a1[i], a2[i]);
    return result;

void main() {
    auto watts = [Watts(2), Watts(3), Watts(4)];

    auto secs = [Seconds(5), Seconds(6), Seconds(7)];

    auto result = map!( (x, y){ return x*y; } )(watts, secs);

Few notes:
- Lacking struct inheritance I have duplicated code.
- This whole proggy is not difficult to write. It's simpler than the C++ one. 
But I think it's a bit less general.
- Here I have not used const in input arguments yet, nor the map of Phobos2.
- (x, y){ return x*y; } is one of the new template literals. Can I define it 
elsewhere, like in an alias? So far I have failed doing that.

Two things to improve:
1) All structs must have a default built-in opString, a good representation can 
StructName(field_value1, field_value2, field_value1, ...).
It's not a perfect textual representation, but it's WAY better than the current 
one (currently it shows just the struct name).
(Printing the module name before the struct name is bad, most times is just 

2) The output of that program is:
Watts(2) Watts(3) Watts(4)
Seconds(5) Seconds(6) Seconds(7)
Joules(10) Joules(18) Joules(28)

I think a much better output is:
[Watts(2), Watts(3), Watts(4)]
[Seconds(5),  Seconds(6),  Seconds(7)]
[Joules(10),  Joules(18),  Joules(28)]

Note the space after the comma, it's a small detail but it improves readability 
(This representation doesn't tell apart dynamic arrays from static ones, but I 
can live with this).


I don't remember if vector ops support user-defined opMul too, I have tried 
this code, but maybe I am doing something wrong:

    Joules[3] result2;
    result2[] = watts[] * secs[];


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