bearophile wrote:
toString() is one of the most dreadful features in D.

It's also one of the most useful, and it's quite easy to understand
and use. You need very little brain to use it. Features that require
little/no brain are very important to me (but surely it's a quality
that is at the bottom of the list of qualities for C++ programmers).


Sometimes I feel the C++ committee really thinks *every* C++ programmer is a *superhuman*. Not necessarily that he'd be overly intelligent, but *definitely* he'd have to keep 72 dozen different

 - best practices
 - gotchas
 - loads of things about his own code
 - rules, rules, rules...
 - exceptions to those rules
 - a load of other crap

in his mind *every* single second he's at the keyboard.
Man, I'm definitely not the one they're designing the language for.

So, yes, a simple feature here, another there, so you can maybe spend a minute thinking about what you're actually trying to do with *your* code, would be welcome.

Guess why I'm using D instead!

PS, I don't even mind hard-to-grasp things, *as long as* they're simple and consistent to *use* for the rest of your life, after you've finished pulling your hair when learning them. :-)

Proper documentation, and examples, examples and examples, really make a difference here. I find a good example saves hours of trying to read somebody's blabbering. That's another thing that I think D does right: the source is there, and *especially* I find the unit tests invaluable. That's where you see how something is supposed to be used.

Like this morning I found no documentation for
d_time parse(string s);
I simply went to the unit tests. Got it in no time at all!

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