Walter Bright wrote:
Georg Wrede wrote:
Walter Bright wrote:
I'm off to speak at it!

Next time you come over to the Old World, why not fly back a day later. Then a few of us might get together. A mini D-meeting wouldn't hurt. It could be interesting and fun!

The ACCU people were very nice to me. They liked the talk I gave, and even suggested that next year have a "D track" and even a D tutorial on tutorial day. Andrei was also there and gave a presentation on his new range design.

The next ACCU doesn't get organized until the fall, but it would be fun to have a bunch of D'ers there so we can meet and work together.

Two years ago there was little mention of D. Mostly only Andrei mentioned it in one of his C++ related talks. This year I noticed there was lot of D on speakers slides, and some talk about it too. I think it would be an excellent idea to have some sort of general D talk at the ACCU next time.

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