Hello Tim,

On Wed, 20 May 2009 15:43:16 +1200, BCS <n...@anon.com> wrote:

I'm planning on taking a crack at a Serialization template library
and  I'm looking for feed back. My thinking so far is up on my blog


Please comment! (here or there, doesn't matter, I think I'll see

Have you thought about making a OODB so have the full oo programming
with  data and functions but the objects can be saved and retrieved in
a  transactional way?

The target usage is to stuff data structures into file or network streams. Eventually, I'd like to build a web services lib from this that can serve proxy an interface with very little code:


interface I { ... }
interface J { ... }

/////Server side

class CI : I { ... }
class CJ : J { ... }

auto server = new Server();

server.Serve!(I)(new CI(), 8080); //proxy that object on port 8080
server.Serve!(J)({return new CJ;}, 8081); // create a objects to proxy on port 8081


//// client side

I i = new Proxy!(I)("somehost.net", 8080);
J j = new Proxy!(J)("somehost.net", 8081);

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