BCS pisze:
I'm planning on taking a crack at a Serialization template library and I'm looking for feed back. My thinking so far is up on my blog here:


Please comment! (here or there, doesn't matter, I think I'll see both)


I would like to mention that serialization library for D already exists:


It supports most of common requirements for serialization library:
- easy to use API
- most built-in types and user defined types (UDT) are already serializable
- out of class serialization
- versioning of UDT; importing old versions to new versions
- thread/exception safe (well... AFAIK :-) )
- large unit test suite
- configurable serialization backend (archive): JSon, Binary, SimpleText
- serialization of classes with user defined constructors

I don't want to discourage you from implementing your own library, but on the other hand you may consider contributing to this, already existing library. It took me few months to get where it is right now, so it is really a LOT of work; Unfortunately I don't have time to develop it further right now...

There are still few things which should be implemented:
- serialization from base class (difficult, when we don't want to demand additional coding work from user)
- Tango support (should be relatively easy)
- XML archive support (foundation framework already there)
- serialization for complex types
- cleanups, improvements, porting to D 2.0
- better documentation

If you would be interested just drop me an e-mail:

aarti -at- interia -dot- pl

I am very open to suggestions and changes :-)

Best Regards
Marcin Kuszczak

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