bearophile wrote:
   * turn GC allocations to allocas if possible
Phobos1 of DMD too has alloca, so can this optimization be folded in DMD too?

I doubt it, these look like LLVM specific optimisations.

   * simplify or remove certain calls to D runtime functions
What calls?

Looking at the source code (gen/passes/*.cpp):
 * _d_arraysetlengthT
 * _d_arraysetlengthiT
 * _d_array_cast_len
 * _d_array_slice_copy
 * _d_allocmemoryT
 * _d_newarrayT
 * _d_newarrayiT
 * _d_newarrayvT
 * _d_newarraymT
 * _d_newarraymiT
 * _d_newarraymvT
 * _d_allocclass

Are the runtime calls currently optimized. There may be more that I've missed, that looks like all of them though.

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