"Alexander Pánek" <alexander.pa...@brainsware.org> wrote in message 
> grauzone wrote:
>> Alexander Pánek wrote:
>>> grauzone wrote:
>>>> Alexander Pánek wrote:
>>>>> Look mah, JS and Flash combined in shiny modal windows:
>>>>> http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2009/05/27/modal-windows-in-modern-web-design/
>>>>> No, I really don't want to torture you. Well, maybe a little. :P
>>>> Oh god... why...
>>> *snip*
>>> "The modal window has many advantages. For example, when a modal window 
>>> contains a smaller element, the user doesn't need to load an entirely 
>>> new page just to access it (another way to achieve the same effect is 
>>> e.g. by using AJAX-based tabs). By providing modal windows, you improve 
>>> the usability of your website. Having to load pages over and over will 
>>> annoy most users, so avoiding that is definitely a good thing. Modal 
>>> windows also allow you to save space by getting rid of large elements 
>>> that don't need to be on the main page. For example, rather than putting 
>>> a full video on a page, you can just provide a link, thumbnail or button 
>>> of some sort."
>> Yeah, I read that. I want to smash him to pieces.
> Why? I don't get it. Why is there so much hate and anger about it in the 
> air? Srsly, this whole topic is just completely overrated. It's just the 
> internet. ffs man.

Because they're like pop-up windows, except they actually manage to be 
worse. Unlike traditional pop-ups, which are already bad enough:
- They're modal
- They aren't blocked by pop-up blocking software
- They sometimes include completely useless, interface-delaying animations.

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