Leandro Lucarella pisze:
Andrei Alexandrescu, el  6 de julio a las 10:44 me escribiste:
And what did those people use when they wanted to express a range of case labels? In other words, where did those people turn their heads towards?
They probably used an if.
So they used an inferior means to start with.

Yes, but when you try to make people move to a different language, you
have to do considerably better. When I have to choose between something
well know, well supported and mature and something that is, at least,
unknown (even if it's mature and well supported, I won't know that until
I use it a lot so is a risk), I want to be really good, not just barely

Details as this one are not deal breaker on their own, but when they are
a lot, it tends to make the language look ugly as a whole.

What bugs me the most is there are a lot of new constructs in the language
that are plain ugly, from the start. D is buying it's own baggage
(__traits, enum for manifest constants, now the case range, and I'm sure
I'm forgetting something else) with no reason...

* foreach_reverse
* access to variadic function parameters with _argptr & _arguments
* mess with compile time is expression (sorry, that's my favorite ugliness :-] )

I believe that this issues are greatly underestimated by D language designers...

Marcin Kuszczak

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