Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:
Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
- A floating point range should allow you to specify the iteration step, or else it should allow you to iterate through all numbers that can be represented with the corresponding precision;

We don't have that, so you'd need to use a straigh for statement.

struct FloatRange {
   float begin, end, step;
   bool includeBegin, includeEnd;

   int opApply (int delegate (ref float) dg) {


- The second issue remains: what if I want to include b but not b+ε for any ε>0?

real a, b;
for (real f = a; f <= b; update(f))

I'd find it questionable to use ranged for with floats anyway.

So would I. But a range of floats is useful for more than iterating over it. Think interval arithmetic for example.


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