On Tue, 07 Jul 2009 20:48:50 -0400, Andrei Alexandrescu <seewebsiteforem...@erdani.org> wrote:

Robert Jacques wrote:
long g;
g = e + f;  => d = cast(long) e + cast(long) f;

Works today.
 Wrong. I just tested this and what happens today is:
g = cast(long)(e+f);
And this is (I think) correct behavior according to the new rules and not a bug. In the new rules int is special, in this suggestion, it's not.

I think this is a good idea that would improve things. I think, however, it would be troublesome to implement because expressions are typed bottom-up. The need here is to "teleport" type information from the assignment node to the addition node, which is downwards. And I'm not sure how this would generalize to other operators beyond "=".


Hmm... why can't multiple expressions be built simultaneously and then the best chosen once the assignment/function call/etc is reached? This would also have the benifet of paving the way for polysemous values & expressions.

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