Jarrett Billingsley pisze:
Please, the last thing we need is to have *two* systems of template
specialization, one with best matching and one without.

I was thinking it'd be more intuitive if constraints - which are more
general - would be used to implement specialization.  That is,

template X(T: A, U: B)

would basically be syntactic sugar for

template X(T) if(is(T: A) && is(U: B))

Then you have only a single system of specialization and constraining
to worry about.  How would "best matching" work?  The compiler could
definitely be smart enough to pick apart the logical expression in the
constraint, I suppose, or constraints could be written as "if(c1, c2,
c3)" or something of the like.

Let's try to *simplify* metaprogramming and make things *orthogonal*
instead of tacking on features with no regard to the existing ones.

Well, that's exactly what I proposed about one year ago:


My proposal would make meta programing in D much more intuitive (because of using rules - not bunch of corner cases as it is today). Unfortunately almost no one from NG commented on that...

Marcin Kuszczak

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