bearophile wrote:
Andrei Alexandrescu:
So I compel you to think of submitting a talk proposal.<

Do you have ideas/suggestions for our possible topics to write talks about?

Good question. A great starting point for figuring out the style is perusing the schedule of past ACCU conferences at A few suggestions off the top of my head:

* Focus on one feature of D and explain it in depth. Example: "String mixins: the assembly language of generative programming". Wow that's such a cool topic. Example: "Template lalaland: a comparison of Java, C#, C++, and D template mechanisms"

* Pick a design technique or pattern and illustrate it with D code (and/or code from other languages). Example: "Hot patching in D: how to make a compiled language act as an interpreter".

* This particular conference's focus is on testing, so anything interesting related to it would be welcome. Example: "Beyond unittests: systematic testing and coverage techniques for the D programming language and beyond"

* Concurrency is always a popular topic.

* I've given an immutability in D talk in 2008, but I feel there's more interesting stuff to be said.

* The ACCU crowd is always interested in methodology talks, something that I'm not an expert in. But if you are, go for it. Example: "How RUP, Agile, XP, and waterfall can save the day if used together"

* Talking about a particular library or framework is always very popular. Example: "Dux: A High-Performance windowing/building/constraint solving/matrix/math/logging/networking/persistence/you got the idea library for D"


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