On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 11:03 PM, Michael
Rynn<michaelr...@optushome.com.au> wrote:
I  took away all the safety features of const, immutable and any other
things that dmd 1.0 complains about, as "recommended" for the std2.

Well, different people feel differently about these things. IMO, the complication of const/immutable and loss of productivity doesn't justify the small gains in safety. Whether it justifies the muiltithreading advantages is yet to be seen, though there's some promising stuff coming from the minds of A&W.

Bill Baxter wrote:
Very cool.  You should probably know, though, that std.xml is not very
popular.  I'm don't have much to do with XML -- by choice, horrid
stuff if you ask me -- but folks who have played with std.xml have
found it buggy and very slow.  And the original author has
disappeared.  There has been talk that it needs to be rewritten from
scratch.  Or perhaps replaced with a port of tango's very speedy xml

Yup... among other things, it does not correctly handle elements that are closed with /> (i.e. `<x/>` instead of `<x></x>`). This is basically a show-stopper bug, IMO. As far as Tango's XML goes, yeah, it's awesome; check out:


That second link in particular is a "holy ****; look at those bars" type of experience.

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