digited Wrote:

> Walter Bright Wrote:
> > The main purpose of this is to correct a couple of regressions that were 
> > blocking QtD and Tango.
> > 
> > http://www.digitalmars.com/d/1.0/changelog.html
> > http://ftp.digitalmars.com/dmd.1.050.zip
> > 
> > 
> > http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/changelog.html
> > http://ftp.digitalmars.com/dmd.2.035.zip
> > 
> > Many thanks to the numerous people who contributed to this update.
> Thank you for this release, and thank you for small commits to SVN!
> The only thing that is missing from a good release procedure is 
> _release_candidates_. Please, Walter, do not hurry with releases! With DMD in 
> SVN, it will be totally ok to do releases by one in 1-2 months, the main 
> problem is that the developers don't have any time to actually test the new 
> release. The bugs are found, but it's too late and they need to wait for new 
> release, with new _features_ and thus, with _sudded_ release, new bugs and 
> breaking changes (even in D1, yes).
> You can totally eliminate this kind of problems with posting not a "Here's a 
> new complete release! Now you can test it, but you won't get any fixes until 
> next one", but a _release_candidate_, make an SVN branch for it and let 
> developers (of QtD, Tango and lots of other projects) to test the candidate 
> and report bugs to you. Be sure, after a week of testing, while you can work 
> on next release and new features in trunk, the release branch will really 
> become ready for a _stable_ release, when noone will have to complain about 
> blocker bugs.
> Please, Walter, do not hurry with releases, make release candidates and wait 
> for bug reports, apply fixes to the release branch and then make a really 
> good release, no matter not so often!
> Thank you.

Yeah I totally agree here. This release was intended to fix Tango, but there 
are 2 more regressions that are not fixed:


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