Tue, 03 Nov 2009 10:39:13 -0800, Walter Bright wrote:

> Optlink is written entirely in rather impenetrable assembler code, and 
> is resistant to understanding and modification. Hence, over the last few 
> months I've been very slowly converting it to C, function by function.
> [...]
> Once it is in C and working, it will be trivial to translate it to D and 
> start rewriting it.
> Anyhow, during this process I stumbled upon what the problem was. 

That's definitely good news!

Actually, I'm slowly working on a D linker myself.  Writing it in D,
from scratch.  My goal is to allow linking a mix of OMF and COFF objects
and libraries into the same executable, obviating the need for any
conversion.  I wonder if it's feasible to continue my work.  I'm just a
couple baby steps beyond the rough design stage.

Well, probably I'll continue anyway, as long as I've got the courage.  I
like to re-invent wheels after all.

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