Leandro Lucarella wrote:

> Guillaume B., el  4 de enero a las 19:10 me escribiste:
>>  I prefer to read everything in my news reader. Is it possible to add the
>> following malling lists from http://lists.puremagic.com/ to gmane? (
>> http://gmane.org/subscribe.php )
>> - dmd-beta
>> - dmd-concurrency
>> - phobos
>> - dmd-internals
>>  Some lists for D are already on gmane so it would be nice if they could
>>  all
>> be there.
> Yes, just do it yourself:
> http://gmane.org/subscribe.php


 I know I can do it myself but I wanted to be sure it was OK since, on 
gmane, it's written: "[...] ask the people on the mailing list first. Or at 
least the mailing list administrator. Then you fill out the subscription 

 So is it OK for Brad and/or Walter?



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