On Mon, 08 Mar 2010 01:54:12 -0500, Walter Bright <newshou...@digitalmars.com> wrote:

Lots of meat and potatoes here, and a cookie! (spelling checker for error messages)



Thanks to the many people who contributed to this update!

This might belong on d.learn, but it's so specific to this release, I'll ask here:

The implementation of opEquals(Object, Object) contains the following implementation (according to docs and source):

bool opEquals(Object a, Object b) {
    if (a is b) return true;
    if (a is null || b is null) return false;
    if (typeid(a) == typeid(b)) return a.opEquals(b);
    return a.opEquals(b) && b.opEquals(a);

The third line seems to be a recursive call into opEquals, since the typeinfos are objects. But because the two typeid classes have the same typeinfo (TypeInfo_Class with class name "TypeInfo_Class") it will only go 2 levels deep since the first if clause will be true. However, it seems a bit redundant to verify that the typeids are not null (they will always be non-null) and have the same typeinfo (they will).

Wouldn't it be more efficient and correct to just do:


Also, there is a function inside object implementation to compare two typeinfos (commented out in interface file), is that used? Does the compiler allow overloading the global opEquals?

Also, const is not respected:

class C
   int x;
   bool opEquals(Object other){ ++x; return false;}
void main()
   const c = new C;
   const d = new D;
   assert(c != d);

compiles without complaint. I would argue that opEquals should be const in both Object and the global function, but I'm not sure of the ramifications. At the very least, the above should not compile.


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