Jesse Phillips wrote:

> Walter Bright Wrote:
>> Jesse Phillips wrote:
>> > I would like to announce DDebber.
>> > 
>> >
>> Looks like we have an embarrassment of riches here. Jordi Sayol i Salom�
>> has sent me a shell script to do it, and Cristi has contributed a script
>> to do it that is in
> I know of dmd-installer, at least as a Windows installer. The README in rpm
> explains how to build a DEB?
> One thing DDebber is going for is building a package that could be accepted
> in the main Debian repo if the license didn't prevent this. I really want 
> a libphobos which is needed when it becomes a shared library (could
> actually be in the official repositories when that happens :)
> If you have a script you are happy with and don't want to go the repository
> route, I'll see if I can get the Tango repository to distribute it once
> Tango is also packaged.

You could try getting LDC with Tango into debian, there are no license 
problems with them. 

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