On 10-3-2010 8:11, Lionello Lunesu wrote:
> I'll be presenting the D Programming Language at the next monthly BLUG
> meeting. It'll mostly be for people who haven't heard of D yet. There'll
> be a fair chunk of D1 in there, but I'm hoping to touch some of D2's new
> features as well.
> These meetings are free for everyone to attend, so come by if you live
> in Beijing, or you happen to be there.
> More information at http://tinyurl.com/y9ttldt
> See you there!
> Lionello.
> (I'm fairly new to 'presenting stuff' in general, so all tips are highly
> welcomed.)

The presentation came and went, and was much appreciated, judging from
the reactions :)

My slides can be downloaded from http://lunesu.com/uploads/DforBLUG1.odp


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