On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 23:17:10 -0300, Gareth Charnock <gareth....@gmail.com> wrote:
I've put the beginnings of my matrix-vector library up on github (between swizzling, generalising to N dimensions and making use of static foreach this project quickly turned from a cleanup to a rewrite). You can find it here.


Some highlights so far:

//Dimension and field are templatable parameters. There is no hard limit on N, but obviously everything is set up for N being small.
alias Vector!(float,3) vector_t;
alias Matrix!(float,3) matrix_t;

//Very natural initialisation
auto v=vector_t(1,2,3);
auto m=matrix_t(1,2,0,0,1,0,0,3,1);

//Single element access does not require opDispatch

//Swizzling supported via opDispatch
writeln(v.yzx); //2 3 1
writeln(v.xxyyzx); //1 1 2 2 3 1

//No matter how big N, elements always have a canonical name (probably more important for matrices where the letters of the alphabet run out faster although I've only done this for vectors so far)
writeln(v.x2); //3
writeln(v.x0x1x2); //1 2 3, zero based indexing because D inherits C

//Some Math operations. Static foreach is used to unroll all loops. Unfortunately I ran into some problems putting the operators outside the struct. I'm not sure if this was me or the compiler but I'll need another hacking session to work out what's going on.

float s;
v*s    v/s    v*=s
v/=s   v+v    v-v
v*v    m+m    m-m
m*m    m*v

A question I'd like input on would what should the semantics of the Transpose(), Transposed() function. I can think of some alternatives:

1) Naive solution, copies N^^2-N scalars.
2) Set a bool. Switch between two element iteration schemes for nearly every operation (with suitable use of templates this might not be as painful as it sounds.)

1) makes a new matrix
2) creates a transposed image which is forever linked to the original matrix: A=B.Transpose() => Changes to A affect B 3) creates a transposed image which is copy-on-write linked to the original matrix: A=B.Transpose() => Changes to A do not affect B

Some quick comments:
- The version I'm seeing on github doesn't seem to have all the features you're referencing (i.e. v*v). Why are some ops limited to */ and other +-? - Static foreach isn't a good way to do loop unrolling (at least historically).
- In terms of naming, I prefer float3 instead of vector3f.
- Return type and argument types need to be dynamically deduced: i.e. int3 * float3 should work. - length should mean the number of vector elements. I'd recommend norm or L2 instead. - For the matrix, Field[D][D] raw; will let you get out of manual indexing issues. - I've never seen matrix swizzling and don't really know what it would be used for.
- You should be able to set matrix layout to either C or Fortran style
- Re: Transpose: this should be an in place swap. Given the value-type semantics of small matrices, make the copies. - Re: Transposed: this function should be named T (or have an equivalent alias) and return a reference to the current matrix casted to its C or Fortran layout counterpart.

In general, this feels like a decent start, although it's still very alpha and feature incomplete. Keep up the good work.

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