On 7-5-2010 9:10, Brad Roberts wrote:
> On Fri, 7 May 2010, Lionello Lunesu wrote:
>> On 6-5-2010 22:37, Michel Fortin wrote:
>>> On 2010-05-05 23:45:50 -0400, Walter Bright <newshou...@digitalmars.com>
>>> said:
>>>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>>>> Alex Makhotin wrote:
>>>>>> It takes ~40 seconds 50% load on the dual core processor(CentOS 5.3
>>>>>> kernel, to get the actual error messages about the
>>>>>> undefined identifier.
>>>>> Definitely there's a problem.
>>>> The problem is the spell checker is O(n*n) on the number of characters
>>>> in the undefined identifier.
>>> That's an algorithm that can't scale then.
>>> Checking the Levenshtein distance for each known identifier within a
>>> small difference in length would be a better idea. (Clang is said to use
>>> the Levenshtein distance, it probably does something of the sort.)
>>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance
>> and especially this line:
>> # If we are only interested in the distance if it is smaller than a
>> threshold k, then it suffices to compute a diagonal stripe of width 2k+1
>> in the matrix. In this way, the algorithm can be run in O(kl) time,
>> where l is the length of the shortest string.
> The source for this is pretty isolated.. anyone want to volunteer take a 
> shot at improving this part of dmd?
> Later,
> Brad
I see, speller.c, I'll have a look..

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