"Philippe Sigaud" <philippe.sig...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> On Sat, Jul 10, 2010 at 17:42, dsimcha <dsim...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> This is perfectly feasible, technically speaking.  I'm just not sure what
>> it would
>> buy practically speaking.  I kind of like the way x's and o's look. 
>> Maybe
>> it
>> would be faster for scatter plots with huge amounts of points, though.  I
>> don't know.
>> I don't know either. It's just it'd give access to some new shapes. But
> don't bother, you've much more important things on your plate.
>> (parenthesis in doc)
>> Thanks.  Fixed.
> This is a tiring bug in DDoc. I mean, why does it not generate a doc with 
> a
> missing parenthesis?
> (I guess that's filed as bug 3554)
> > As for bitmaps, I have a small module that load 24 bit RGB .bmp as
>> > ubyte[3][][] to manipulate them and write an ubyte[3][][] on disk, but
>> it's
>> > quite brittle. You indeed need a generic way to save a form to disk as 
>> > an
>> > image.
>> I really want saving to work, but I have no idea what I'm doing Win32
>> API-wise.
>> I'd say lack of saving support is by far the biggest outstanding issue 
>> with
>> DFLPlot.  I'd appreciate any help in this regard.
> Halas, not from me: I'm at the same stage than you. At max, I'd know how 
> to
> draw a graph on an empty bitmap, as long as it can be done by lighting
> individual pixels. And then saving it to disk.  But putting text in it 
> (with
> D or any other language) is beyond my ken.
> I used this technics for a ray-tracer in D and for drawing L-systems, to
> learn D :-)
> In fact, the only way I found to save the raytracer images to disk was to
> manage them as a an array of ubyte[3] and writing this to disk as a 24-but
> RGB .bmp file.
> I'll let Win32 wizards answer...

I'm no Win32 expert, but I've recently looked into this sort of thing for a 
potential side-project, and came up with a few links that might help:

Bitmaps, Device Contexts and BitBlt

Drawing Text

Capturing an Image

Windows GDI Documentation

One thing to remember if you don't know already is that having direct 
pixel-by-pixel access involves using an HDIB (Device Independent Bitmap), 
and all the of built-in drawing functions (like drawing text) involve using 
a HDC (Device Context) insetad. (Also, HDIBs and HDCs are handles that get 
passed into free functions, they're not classes or structs.) So there does 
need to be some converting between HDC and HDIB. I assume "Capturing an 
Image" covers that, but I didn't look closely.

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