Andrei Alexandrescu:

I will need time to digest this interesting second part of your interview, you 
say many complex things.

In the meantime that Reddit thread is one of the worst I've seen on that 
usually interesting site. Some C++ programmers seem to hate D a lot. Each new 
programming language is built on different values. Maybe D2 is not targeted to 
most of the experienced C++ programmers. Maybe D2 is more fit for other kinds 
of programmers, after all. I don't know.

Among all the comments written by axilmar, I agree that D tuples are not in 
good shape at all. There are two of them, one is limited (no way to return 
them) and auto-flattening, the other has no compiler support despite some 
syntax sugar helps a lot here.

Regarding this you have written in Reddit:
>Even moving classes should be fine with precautions, as moving garbage 
>collectors have shown.<

Currently in the D2 GC there is no notion of pinned/unpinned class instances, 
but eventually an attribute as @pinned may be added to D3, plus its related 
semantics. It adds complexity to the language and it needs to interact with the 
GC, so it will get useful as the D GC becomes more modern (with different zones 
for newly allocated objects, etc).


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