Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Oct 2010 00:33:54 +0300, Jérôme M. Berger <jeber...@free.fr>
> wrote:
>>     The only true advantage that Git has over Mercurial is the staging
>> area, and even that is a two edged sword: IMO it should not be
>> enabled by default since it helps people to lose data. And the same
>> functionality can be emulated (and superseded) in Mercurial with
>> record and mq anyway.
> Could you please explain to me how can the staging area cause you to
> lose data? The only way I see that can happen is if you forget that you
> staged some changes, then do "git diff" and think that your working
> directory (and index) are clean.
git commit
git push # Is that the right command to send my changes
         # to the main repo?

# OK, I'm done working on that
cd ..
rm -r myrepo
# Ooops

>> - It is safer on Windows: in six years, I have never had a data loss
>> or corruption, whereas I've had both with Git in a two days test
>> without doing anything special;
> Sorry, I don't consider this to be true at the moment based on my
> experience.
>> - Repositories are smaller on Windows (ok, that's not so important
>> given the price of HDDs today);
> How does that make sense? Doesn't Git use the same disk storage format
> everywhere? :o
        I meant Mercurial repositories are smaller than Git repositories on
Windows (didn't check anywhere else)

>> - You really, really, really *always* need the staging area so you
>> want to have it by default instead of using mq. If that is the case,
>> you will probably wind up using quilt anyway (quilt is the Git
>> equivalent for mq).
> I think the staging area is an amazing feature, and I use it all the
> time, but perhaps not in the way you imagine:
> 1) Hack up a bunch of changes
> 2) Fire up git gui
> 3) Quickly stage the chucks or lines you want to go into the first
> commit (one case where using a mouse-driven GUI is way more productive...)
> 4) Type commit description, Ctrl+Enter to instantly commit
> 5) Repeat, until working directory is clean
> This allows me to work freely on my code and edit different parts of it,
> without having to worry that I should first commit / shelve unrelated
> changes first.
        This workflow is fully supported by the crecord extension (or by

Jabber: jeber...@jabber.fr

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