> But, it looks like my code is just collapsing them a little too often.

LOL: the reason it worked in my tests but not for the live post?

\n\n != \r\n\r\n

Stupid line ending bullshit.

But with that fixed, I think all my woes are gone... I'll try the
headers again later, but that should be fixed too.

Take a look:


You can see the reply form at the bottom, auto-filling bbcode from
the original plain text message. Feel free to post as much as you
want as long as you do *not* commit to the news server - don't want
to spam it until I'm a little more confident in the code...

But if you post to the local database, that's ok. Be aware I delete
it from time to time so don't put anything you want to keep.

You might try posting some bbcode, then hit View Original in the
upper right. That's the plain text version - what would be posted
to the server.

It's fairly beautiful.

btw, the pendulum of my brain swung back to light backgrounds, so
it is right now black on white again. I kept the grey code too. Soon
enough, I figure I'll just make it user selectable, defaulting to
not specifying colors at all, so your browser defaults work.

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