The fresh beta of universal linker UniLink has arrived, with exciting new features.

Quoting the changelog:
+  Preliminary support of Digital Mars D language compiler.

+ The debug info processing in old CV format added (dmc, dmd, watcom, old ml).

And it works! At least for the first part.
I actually linked my port of DMDscript and run it through some stress tests, no problems so far.
The nice thing is reduction in half of the resulting binary size.

As to debug info I think it may need another round of polishing... but the devs are willing to support it ;)
C:\ulink>ulink -v test.obj
UniLink v1.07 [beta] (build 3.01)
Error: Invalid debug information in 'test.obj'

Nevertheless the grim rule of Optlink in windows lands is at end :)

Some tips on how to get started.

Grab the latest beta here (for now it's
Installation is extract + add to PATH

Also to save you a bit of investigation, the relevant ulink.cfg config for dmd is along the lines:

Dmitry Olshansky

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