Am 21.02.2011 01:51, schrieb Graham St Jack:
Fantastic news! Well done once again to the whole team.

Now that the 64-bit bugbear is in the bag (along with a big pile of
bugs), what is next? Is there a list somewhere detailing the planned
language/toolchain changes that will make it into D2? Are we converging
on a stable release of the language anytime soon?

In particular, are there any plans to re-examine the tail-const issue in
light of the compiler patch proposed by Michel Fortin in his post:
"const(Object)ref is here!" back in December?

Some other issues I assume are still in flux (and can remember) are:
* Tweaks to usability of const/immutable/shared.
* Tweaks to usability of nothrow, pure, etc.
* Rollout of const, nothrow, pure, etc thoughout phobos.
* Fate of the delete keyword.
* Fate of the scope keyword used in object declaration and function
* Meaning of in keyword for function parameters. Is it just const, and
if so, why not just use const?

I don't have (much) of a personal agenda here - I just want the rough
edges smoothed off and a stable language.

If I recall correctly, the next thing to be implemented was support for shared libraries (dmd being able to create create position-independent code ("PIC")).

- Daniel

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