On 4/10/2011 8:28 PM, Daniel Gibson wrote:
Am 10.04.2011 00:27, schrieb Torarin:
2011/4/8 dsimcha<dsim...@yahoo.com>:
Here's a first draft of an article on D's approaches to concurrency and
parallelism for D's article contest.  It's not an official submission yet,
but feedback would be appreciated.


A very good article! And I like that you linked to other articles that
go into more detail on  relevant subjects. I wouldn't mind a couple
more examples.


After all the language bikeshedding I'll add something on-topic to this
thread ;)

I agree with Torarin: It's a very good article, I like how further
explanations are linked and I also wouldn't mind some more examples.

Some additional notes:
  * A link to the std.parallelism docs would make sense

Good idea.

  * "This means that no data that is not either immutable or shared may
be transitively reachable via pointers or references passed into a
spawned function or passed as a message." is a strange sentence with
those two negations in it.

Yeah, this could be worded a little better.  Will change.

  * Maybe you could compare std.parallelism to OpenMP in terms of syntax
and functionality? That would probably help all the people that are
familiar with it.

A few others have asked for this, but honestly, I don't know much about OpenMP. I've read a little about it but never actually used it before, so I don't think I could write a solid comparison.

- Daniel

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