On 2011-07-18 00:34, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
"Jacob Carlborg"<d...@me.com>  wrote in message
I just released a new version of DVM, 0.3.0. Now with support for Windows
:), thanks to Nick Sabalausky. For installation instructions see:

Version 0.3.0
   New/Change Features
    * Added an option for installing the latest compiler
    * Better compatibility between different shell implementations
    * Added Windows support. Thanks to Nick Sabalausky
    * Added a "list" command for listing installed compilers
    * Added a "uninstall" command for uninstalling compilers

   Bugs Fixed
    * Can't link using DMD 1.068.
    * Issue 2: The '.dvm/bin/dmd-{ver}' scripts don't work on Ubuntu 10.04
    * Issue 7: No error on invalid command
    * Issue 13: Tmp dir should be deleted before running DVM binary (not
just after)
    * Issue 5: Invalid character in .dvm/env files
    * Issue 12: "dvm -h" and "dvm --help" print nothing

Upgrading from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0:

It might be necessary to do a complete clean installation by removing

And also by removing the DVM stuff that was auto-added to .bashrc (if any).

This is in particular if you had any problems with the previous shell
scripts not working.

If you haven't had such problems, then you should be good without wiping
~/.dvm. The most likely problem was with invoking a specific version of DMD
directly via "dvm-{version}", so that should be a good test. (At least that
was my experience on Kubuntu 10.04, YMMV.)

This issue shouldn't affect people who used the Windows betas since Windows
already uses completely different scripts with completely different syntax.

That's correct.

/Jacob Carlborg

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