Den 16-08-2011 20:13, Kiith-Sa skrev:
D:YAML is a YAML parser library for D.

It is mostly compliant with the YAML 1.1 spec, although there are some
unsupported features (e.g. recursive data structures).

Currently there is only a parser, not an emitter.

The API is not yet stable, there will be breaking changes. (e.g. part of the
API depends on and will probably be changed when is

Docs can be found in doc/html in the package. There are some (very) basic
tutorials/examples and an API doc.

Much of D:YAML code has been ported to D from PyYAML.

D:YAML is written in D2. There is no D1 or Tango support, and none is


Very nice! Gotta have a look on this one.

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