"Robik" <szad...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> Hi.
> I'd like to share with new theme for DDOC named CuteDoc. It can be
> found here: https://github.com/robik/cuteDoc .
> Live demo can be foudn here: http://cutedoc.dav1d.de/ . (Thanks to
> dav1d (from #d) for hosting it).

Cute theme! (A ha! A pun!)

Little suggestion: If you leave the "modules" and "jump to" already-expanded 
in the HTML, and then use JS to flatten them upon page load, then it'll work 
for everyone, not just those who have JS enabled. It's never good to assume 

One other issue: When both "modules" and "jump to" are expanded, the bottom 
half of the "jump to" is hidden under the bottom frame of the browser window 
and completely inaccessible, and scrolling dosn't help (And that's even when 
I have the browser maximized). Frames have never really been considered good 
style on the web, and floating boxes are not far off from frames. You may 
want to consider making them non-floaty: it'll take a *lot* less work to 
make it work right for everyone.

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