I've released D:YAML 0.3 . This release brings some API improvements and 
many optimizations, drastically improving parsing speed and decreasing 
memory usage. There are also many bugfixes, more examples, and both the API 
documentation and tutorials have seen various improvements.

D:YAML is a YAML parser and emitter library for D.

API has been streamlined, Constructor in particular is now easier to use to 
add support for custom YAML data types. Constructor API compatibility has 
been broken as a result. Another breaking change is removal of the 
Node.getToVar method as it turned out to be a premature optimization. 
Node.get can now be used in a shorter form - Node.as , which might 
eventually replace it (1.0 release).

Nodes now preserve their styles between loading and dumping. There is no way 
to access those styles, though (as it should be according to the 

Focus of this release was optimization, greatly reducing parsing/emitting 
time and memory usage (in particular, decreasing garbage collector usage). 
There are no comparative benchmarks at the moment, but parsing time seems to 
be reduced to about 10%, and dumping time to about 50%.

Error messages, API documentation and tutorials were improved as well. There 
are also new example and benchmark applications. Lastly, there were many 
bugfixes. See CHANGES.txt in the source package for detailed information.

As before, it should be noted that D:YAML API is a work in progress, and 
there WILL be more breaking changes (although most of the API should now be 
in place).

GitHub: https://github.com/kiith-sa/D-YAML
Docs  : dyaml.alwaysdata.net/docs

You can get D:YAML 0.3 here: https://github.com/kiith-sa/D-YAML/downloads

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