On 2011-12-14 11:10, Walter Bright wrote:
On 12/14/2011 1:59 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
What happened to arrays in this release:

void foo (Object[] a) {}
class Foo {}

void main ()
Foo[] b;

The above code fails with the following message:

main.d(54): Error: function main.foo (Object[] a) is not callable
using argument
types (Foo[])
main.d(54): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (b) of type
Foo[] to

Have I missed something, I can't find this in the changelog?

I don't remember if there was a bugzilla entry for it, but it's the
object slicing problem. The thing is, main() expects b to be an array of
Foo's. If foo() replaces one of the array elements with an Object, then
b is no longer an array of Foo's, and can crash.

I think it would be good if it's in the changelog, even if there is no bugzilla entry for it.

Note that if you write foo as:

void foo(const(Object)[] a)

it will work.

Ok, thanks.

/Jacob Carlborg

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