Sounds offset-dependent. I bet if you added and removed instructions in the 
right place you could reduce it a lot further. 

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 15, 2011, at 3:02 AM, Adrian <> 

> Am 14.12.2011 18:57, schrieb Walter Bright:
>> On 12/14/2011 6:59 AM, Adrian wrote:
>>> I have a strange crash of the new dmd 2.057 compiler.
>> I can't do anything without a reproducible test case.
> I tried to reduce the problem as much as possible and found out the
> following:
> - I have include a bug.bat which shows the commandline I used.
> - for the crash to happen the project has to be compiled with the
> switches  -noboundscheck and -deps="bug.dep". if you omit one of them
> the crash wont show.
> - the module btree.d has to be compiled with the project, even if it is
> not referenced from main.d. if it is not in the command line - no crash
> - if you comment out the first writeln("Hello D-World!") in main() - no
> crash
> - if you comment out the other two writeln(..) in main() - no crash
> hope you can reproduce it on another system - it sounds too odd to me
> and if it is not reproducible on another system I feel a bit crazy.
> Adrian.
> <>

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