On 1/13/2012 1:20 PM, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
This also extend to anyone who would want to share some template love/lore with
the rest of us.

I see you've already done a great deal of work on this, it looks nice! I strongly encourage you to continue with it, and release it as a book. We could sure use another book on D!

I strongly suggest making the formatting work for a Kindle edition of your book. PDF files do badly on e-readers.

Minor stylistic nit pet peeve of mine: please remove the word "you" and "your" from the prose. It's nearly always redundant, and the sentences flow better without it. "You" is a filler word, similar to "um", "like", and "basically".

For example,

Like, I basically think that you will basically prefer the, um, text once basically you, like, remove basically them, like, ok. Know what I'm saying?


The text will look better without them.


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