On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 13:07, bls <bizp...@orange.fr> wrote:
> First of all thank you so much for this wonderful book!


> I would like to ask for a little enhancement regarding mixin templates. see
> snippet.

Yes, this section is still bit short. But, what enhancement are you
talking about? The FooMixin template?

> The second mixin template "RandomAccessList" is slightly OT 'cause Ranges
> are also touched, but I think this could be very interesting stuff.

Yes indeed. Can I ask you for a small explanatory text? (And your real
name, if you want to be cited under it)

> A third mixin template example which comes in mind is the Publisher
> subscriber pattern template.

I'll add it also. Again, I'd welcome any explanatory text.

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