On Saturday, 4 February 2012 at 10:56:14 UTC, bobef wrote:
Great news. ...
Same here!

This is the number one thing I waited for to be ported to D2. I never considered moving to D2 without Tango. Big thanks to SiegeLord and all the other contributors.

Just one example why I like Tango:

module hello_tango;
// dmd 2.057 + SiegeLord-Tango-D2-4c9566e 2012-01-24
import tango.io.Stdout;

int main(string[] args)
   foreach(i, arg; args)
       Stdout.formatln("  arg {,3}: '{}'", i, arg);
   return 0;

rdmd --build-only -release -O hello_tango.d

hello_tango a b ä ö
 arg   0: 'hello_tango'
 arg   1: 'a'
 arg   2: 'b'
 arg   3: 'ä'
 arg   4: 'ö'

module hello_phobos;

// dmd 2.057
import std.stdio;

int main(string[] args)
   foreach(i, arg; args)
       stdout.writefln("  arg %3d: '%s'", i, arg);
   return 0;

rdmd --build-only -release -O hello_phobos.d

hello_phobos a b ä ö
 arg   0: 'hello_phobos'
 arg   1: 'a'
 arg   2: 'b'
 arg   3: '+ñ'
 arg   4: '+Â'

E:\source\D\d2>dir he*
09.02.2012  15:18               204 hello_phobos.d
09.02.2012  15:18           992.284 hello_phobos.exe
09.02.2012  15:18               250 hello_tango.d
09.02.2012  15:18           180.764 hello_tango.exe

The hello_tango.exe is much smaller and it even works with strange german umlauts :-)

Tango doesn't build (bob) with dmd 2.058 beta because of:
dmd -c -I. -release -oftango-net-device-Berkeley-release.obj ./tango/net/device/Berkeley.d object.Exception@build\src\bob.d(632): Process exited normally with return code 1 .\tango\net\device\Berkeley.d(1921): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (new char[][](cast(uint)i)) of type char[][] to const(char)[][]

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