On 2/10/12 4:35 PM, Bruno Medeiros wrote:
BTW, is there any summary of how the 2011 D projects went, were all of
them finished successfully in GSoC terms? And incorporated into D? I
haven't been paying full attention to the newsgroups, so I only saw that
blog page about the Thrift one..

The regex engine (Dmitry Olshansky) went into Phobos a release ago. My Thrift stuff is submitted for upstream inclusion (still pending, I hve been holding back the blog post announcing integration for quite a while now^^). Cristi Cobzarenco's work on SciD is, to my understanding, still in a somewhat half-finished state, which is somewhat expected, given the scope of the project, but still unfortunate (David Simcha is continuing to work on it sporadically, I think). Anyway, yes, a summary page is a good idea.


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