"Stewart Gordon" <smjg_1...@yahoo.com> wrote in message 
> On 21/02/2012 11:43, James Miller wrote:
> <snip>
>> Its more, if you are using a font with a massive difference in size,
>> then obviously things aren't going to look right. However, if a
>> website require pixel-perfect rendering, then it isn't going to work
>> anyway once it hits a platform that isn't the one the designer works
>> on. I'm not advocating that websites should be rigid, more that
>> complaining that the site doesn't work under /your/ specific settings
>> is really not fair to the developer.
> Exactly.  FWIW read this:
> http://web.archive.org/web/20031231151206/http://allmyfaqs.com/faq.pl?Fix_the_wrong_problem

OMG, I *LOVE* that page!!!

> <snip>
>>> I completely agree. And it's hell for you when you're forced to support 
>>> IE because
>>> more than 50% of the customers use IE.
> <snip>
> Indeed, if only M$ would retire IE the web would be a much better place.

Meh, that would just mean all the millions of people who don't know what a 
"browser" is would just keep using the final version of IE. Actually, one 
could argue MS more or less tried retiring it at IE6, and that's exactly how 
it turned out.

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