On Monday, 27 February 2012 at 11:32:52 UTC, Daniel Murphy wrote:
How come you didn't do this as a proper fork/branch of dmd?

At first, I downloaded a zip of your fork just to take a
look at it - I had no intention of actually modifying it.

But, then I started to play around and never cleaned
stuff up.


That's the name of the directory where it lives on
my computer :)

I pushed it up to github last night right before
making the ng post as a last-minute decision, figuring
github would make it easier for people to look at.

Redoing it as a proper fork won't be that hard; most the
changes are in the one microd.c file anyway. Maybe I
will next weekend.

It's also not too hard to strip out the backend if you want to redistribute the binary. (stub out e2ir,s2ir,glue,toobj,iasm and remove the backend specific stuff from main)

Cool. I took a quick look at doing that but just horribly
broke my build.

Isn't parts of ctfe implemented in glue.c though? I don't
see it obviously in there, but I thought I saw something
about that once.

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