
I created a new Github project, Pegged, a Parsing Expression Grammar (PEG) generator in D.


docs: https://github.com/PhilippeSigaud/Pegged/wiki

PEG: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parsing_expression_grammar

The idea is to give the generator a PEG with the standard syntax. From this grammar definition, a set of related parsers will be created, to be used at runtime or compile time.


To use Pegged, just call the `grammar` function with a PEG and mix it in. For example:

import pegged.grammar;

    Expr     <- Factor AddExpr*
    AddExpr  <- ('+'/'-') Factor
    Factor   <- Primary MulExpr*
    MulExpr  <- ('*'/'/') Primary
    Primary  <- Parens / Number / Variable / '-' Primary

    Parens   <- '(' Expr ')'
    Number   <~ [0-9]+
    Variable <- Identifier

This creates the `Expr`, `AddExpr`, `Factor` (and so on) parsers for basic arithmetic expressions with operator precedence ('*' and '/' bind stronger than '+' or '-'). `Identifier` is a pre-defined parser recognizing your basic C-style identifier. Recursive or mutually recursive rules are OK (no left recursion for now).

To use a parser, use the `.parse` method. It will return a parse tree containing the calls to the different rules:

// Parsing at compile-time:
enum parseTree1 = Expr.parse("1 + 2 - (3*x-5)*6");

pragma(msg, parseTree1.capture);

// And at runtime too:
auto parseTree2 = Expr.parse(" 0 + 123 - 456 ");
assert(parseTree2.capture == ["0", "+", "123", "-", "456"]);


* The complete set of PEG operators are implemented
* Pegged can parse its input at compile time and generate a complete parse tree at compile time. In a word: compile-time string (read: D code) transformation and generation.
* You can parse at runtime also, you lucky you.
* Use a standard and readable PEG syntax as a DSL, not a bunch of templates that hide the parser in noise. * But you can use expression templates if you want, as parsers are all available as such. Pegged is implemented as an expression template, and what's good for the library writer is sure OK for the user too. * Some useful additional operators are there too: a way to discard matches (thus dumping them from the parse tree), to push captures on a stack, to accept matches that are equal to another match
* Adding new parsers is easy.
* Grammars are composable: you can put different `mixin(grammar(rules));` in a module and then grammars and rules can refer to one another. That way, you can have utility grammars providing their functionalities to other grammars. * That's why Pegged comes with some pre-defined grammars (JSON, etc).
* Grammars can be dumped in a file to create a D module.

More advanced features, outside the standard PEG perimeter are there to bring more power in the mix:

* Parametrized rules: `List(E, Sep) <- E (Sep E)*` is possible. The previous rule defines a parametrized parser taking two other parsers (namely, `E` and `Sep`) to match a `Sep`-separated list of `E`'s. * Named captures: any parser can be named with the `=` operator. The parse tree generated by the parser (so, also its matches) is delivered to the user in the output. Other parsers in the grammar see the named captures too. * Semantic actions can be added to any rule in a grammar. Once a rule has matched, its associated action is called on the rule output and passed as final result to other parsers further up the grammar. Do what you want to the parse tree. If the passed actions are delegates, they can access external variables.


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