On 11-03-2012 08:22, Philippe Sigaud wrote:
On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 00:34, Alex Rønne Petersen<xtzgzo...@gmail.com>  wrote:

Admittedly I have not heard of PEGs before, so I'm curious: Is this powerful
enough to parse a language such as C?

I think so. But you'd have to do add some semantic action to deal with
typedefs and macros.

Oh, I should have mentioned I only meant the actual language (ignoring the preprocessor).

Why do you need semantic actions for typedefs though? Can't you defer resolution of types until after parsing?

People parsed Java and Javascript with them. I personnally never used
Pegged for more than JSON and custom formats, but I intend to try the
D grammar.

- Alex

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