On 03/13/2012 04:28 AM, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
On 12.03.2012 16:43, bls wrote:
On 03/10/2012 03:28 PM, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

I created a new Github project, Pegged, a Parsing Expression Grammar
(PEG) generator in D.


docs: https://github.com/PhilippeSigaud/Pegged/wiki

Just WOW!

Nice to have on your WIKI would be a EBNF to PEG sheet.

Wirth EBNF Pegged
A = BC. A <- B C
A = B|C. A <- C / C

Maybe A <- B / C. And even then it's not exactly equivalent if the
grammar was ambiguous.
Imagine: B <- a, C <- aa
PEG is pretty new to me. Can you elaborate a bit ?

My mistake.. cleaned up stuff..

Pegged                          Wirth EBNF

A <- B C                     A = BC.

B or C
A <- B / C                   A = B|C.

Zero or one B
A <- B?                              A = [B].

Zero or more Bs
A <- B*                              A = {B}.

One or more Bs
A <- B+                              Not available

PEG description of EBNF

EBNF <- Procuction+
Production <- Identifier '=' Expression '.'
Expression <- Term ( '|' Term)*
Term <- Factor Factor*
Factor <- Identifier / Literal / '[' Expression ']' / '{' Expression '}' / '(' Expression ')'
lowerCase  <- [a-z]
upperCase  <- [A-Z]
Identifier <- (lowerCase / upperCase) (lowerCase / upperCase)*
Literal <- ("'" .+ "'") /  ('"' .+ '"')

Still not sure if this is correct. Especially :
Term <- Factor Factor*

Another thing I never really understand is the "production" order, In other words : Why not top down ..
Start :
lowerCase  <- [a-z]
upperCase  <- [A-Z]
Identifier <- (lowerCase / upperCase) (lowerCase / upperCase)*

End :
EBNF <- Procuction+

where End is Root..

TIA, Bjoern

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