On Saturday, 31 March 2012 at 20:54:49 UTC, Nick Sabalausky wrote:
Over-the-air broadcast literally looked *better* than that *before* the digital switch! I'm not exagerating.

I don't doubt it, though I was on cable for a long

Oh yea, and the set-top boxes themselves don't
even work right anymore!

That was *terrible* when digital was new, but wasn't
bad at all when I left (in December). The cable
was pretty good... just /ridiculously/ overpriced.

But PBS is mature enough not to pull any of that crap.

yes, pbs is a fine station.

That's *cheap* for cable. (Still not worth it though, I agree.)

Actually, I think I flipped that... I'm paying $55 now
for the internet. (that reminds me, it is time to pay that

At first, the cable+internet was $90 / month. But, after
the first year, they jacked it up to $120.

And then, the next year, they jacked it up to $130. So
I was probably paying $75 for the cable. Even worse.
Totally not worth it.

I'm not terribly happy with that internet price either,
but I use the crap out of it and my job relies on it,
so meh.

But, speaking of raising prices, this reminds me of a
convo I had with my landlady a couple weeks ago.

She noted that I've been here for two and a half years
and only jacked the rent once.

"I've been getting behind on that... I have to raise it
at least 3% a year. The cost of living is going up..."

Yes, the cost of living is going up because YOU are
insisting on raising the rent on some fixed schedule!

And then I asked for all this in writing, and I get a
letter in the mail. She changed her mind: 5% increase,
effective immediately and going up each year automatically.

Hell no, I'm not going to sign that. I find it a little
ridiculous that she thinks I would - that's higher than
the going mortgage rate! And, unlike this lease, a
mortgage can eventually be paid off.

But, ugh. I hate moving and I hate being in debt, but
she made the decision for me - I'm just going to buy
a house and be done with it. I hate annual price hikes,
no matter who's doing it.

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